Monday, June 10, 2013

Steps to Productive Writing

Creative Writing Step 1: (with kids, if sans kids Congratulations! Skip to step 2 and replace the word "movie" with words: doorbell, over-sharing gaggle of women in coffee shop, etc..) Find a good movie for the kids on Netflix.
Creative Writing Step 2: Find good headphones that will drown out said movie.
Creative Writing Step 3: Take a picture as evidence that you are indeed ready to start writing by completing Steps 1 & 2.
Creative Writing Step 4: Post picture on Social Media sites to prove that you are productive.
Creative Writing Step 5: Write witty status
Creative Writing Step 6: Open document, type 1-3 sentences.
Creative Writing Step 7: Check Social Media sites to see if anyone appreciated picture with witty comment.
Creative Writing Step 8: Repeat steps 6 & 7 until movie is over OR kids are revolting/setting house on fire in order to get your attention.