Friday, December 5, 2014

We Are Here!

This poem is a result of parenting two children and attempting social consciousness. Inspired by Horton Hears a Who by Dr. Seuss this is an interpretation of the outcry of those who crave justice, help, and awareness: We are Here! as performed at Zed's Cafe December 5, 2014.

We are here!
We are here!
We are here!
Small voices cry out from
a pebble carried by one hand
connected to a jewel encrusted head
its shallow body
jauntily costumed in Lady Justice’s robe
lackadaisical with the scales
that tilt and sway with whimsy
The blindfold a flimsy gauze
Vision affects reason

We are here!
We are here!
We are here!
The pebble falls from the quaking measure
Onto a neon floor
Stomped on by a
free thousand dollar
heel glittering ruby and tall
reminding the masses
of what it means to yearn.
The voices falter
drift in the wind
until inhaled, shot up, by a lone figure
standing gray bleak, shivering cold
Out of place in a technicolor world
confused by pleading voices
just wanting to be known.

We are here!
We are here!
We are her!
We are him!
We are you!
And I! and us! and them! and
We are here!
The figure takes his brush
paints the words
on sidewalks, skyscrapers
rooftops, railroads
trains, taverns
only to be seen as
pollution and visual noise to be
ignored. Until a picture is taken
and shared and quoted and tweeted.
Until the owner of the glittery shoe
Stops and says, "Guys. This is serious. They are here."
Until the swaying scales tilt so far they break and ruin and a small chip reminds the owner of the rock it once carried.
Until the bleak and lonesome becomes a fascinating celebrity recluse.
Only then it is known
that We are here.
Then, when the
proclamation is cried
through out the world
everyone knows
We are here and heard,
will the listeners stop
to question what
it means when
voices cry out
We are here?
If not, the voices will fade.
A chick will snicker and roll her eyes
at a girl with the charm
stamped with the reminder
We Are Here!
cause that was so last year.
The cries will become displeasing,
old, and worn.
Then, years later when the we are gone, someone will whisper
Remember when?

We are here!
We are here!
We are here!
